To appear

  • Klomp, U., M. Oomen & R. Pfau. Accepted. Negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands. To appear in Veselinova, L. & M. Miestamo (eds.), Negation in the languages of the world. Berlin: Language Science Press. [pdf accepted manuscript]
  • Contributions to the NGT page of the Atlas of Sign Language Structure of SIGN-HUB. To appear on (Eds. J. Hosemann & M. Steinbach).


  • Klomp, U., L. Gierman, P. Manders, E. Nauta, G. Otterspeer, R. Pelupessy, G. Stern, D. Venter, C. Wubbolts, M. Oomen & F. Roelofsen. 2024. An extension of the NGT dataset in Global Signbank. In Efthimiou, E., S-E. Fotinea, T. Hanke, J. A. Hochgesang, J. Mesch & M. Schulder (Eds.), Proceedings of the LREC2024 11th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Evaluation of sign language resources, p. 178-183. Turin: European Language Resources Association. [pdf]
  • Otterspeer, G., U. Klomp & F. Roelofsen. 2024. SignCollect: A ’touchless’ pipeline for constructing large-scale sign language repositories. In Efthimiou, E., S-E. Fotinea, T. Hanke, J. A. Hochgesang, J. Mesch & M. Schulder (Eds.), Proceedings of the LREC2024 11th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Evaluation of sign language resources, p. 269-275. Turin: European Language Resources Association. [pdf]


  • Klomp, U. 2023. Review of ‘The Handbook of Language Assessment Across Modalities. Eds. T. Haug, W. Mann and U. Knoch (2022)’.  Applied Linguistics amad064. [link] or [post print]
  • Bak, M., U. Klomp & E. Heppe. 2023. Totstandkoming van de Nederlandse functionele definitie van doofblindheid. Van Horen Zeggen. [link]
  • Wolters-Leermakers, N., V. Knapen, K. van den Bogaard, M. Prins, U. Klomp, M. Sloots, M. van der Schuit, W. Ebels & L. van der Heijden. 2023. De sleutel tot geluk. Wat draagt bij aan de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met CMB? Van Horen Zeggen. [link]


  • Klomp, U. 2022. A descriptive grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands. Dissertation Abstract. Sign Language & Linguistics 25(1), p. 110-119. [link]
  • Klomp, U. 2022. Een descriptieve grammatica van de Nederlandse Gebarentaal. Wat kan je met zo’n grammatica? Van Horen Zeggen. [link]


  • Klomp, U. 2021. A descriptive grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands. PhD dissertation, University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam: LOT. [pdf]


  • Klomp, U. 2019. Conditional clauses in Sign Language of the Netherlands: A corpus-based study. Sign Language Studies 19(3), p. 309-347. [link] or [post print]


  • Kimmelman, V., U. Klomp & M. Oomen. 2018. Where methods meet: Combining corpus data and elicitation in sign language research. In Bono, M., E. Efthimiou, S-E. Fotinea, T. Hanke, J. Hochgesang, J. Kristoffersen, J. Mesch, … Y. Osugi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Involving the language community (part of LREC 2018), p. 95-100. Paris: European Language Resources Association. [pdf]
  • Klomp, U. 2018. Starting to make sense: Further developing a nonsense sign repetition task. FEAST 2: 103-115. [link]



  • Klomp, U., L. Gierman, P. Manders, E. Nauta, G. Otterspeer, R. Pelupessy, G. Stern, D. Venter, C. Wubbolts, M. Oomen & F. Roelofsen. 2024. An extension of the NGT dataset in Global Signbank. 11th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Evaluation of sign language resources. LREC-Coling 2024, May 25, Turin (Italy). [see poster]


  • Klomp, U., E. Klaassen, P. Prawiro-Atmodjo, J. Groskamp & E. Heppe. Experiences of people with deafblindness with assistive products: A Dutch survey. Deafblind International 18th World conference. July 22-28, Ottawa (Canada) & Online.
  • Heppe, E., S. Damen, U. Klomp, M. Bak. Consensus on how to define the Functional Definition of Deafblindness in the Netherlands: A Delphi-study. Deafblind International 18th World conference. July 22-28, Ottawa (Canada) & Online.


  • Heppe, E., U. Klomp, M. Bak, T. van Nunen & S. Damen. 2022. How do we define deafblindness in the Netherlands? Development of a Dutch functional definition of deafblindness. 1st Deafblind International Africa Conference. May 12-14, Nairobi (Kenya) & Online.


  • Van Boven, C. & U. Klomp. 2021. Plural reduplication and spatial distribution in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Evidence from corpus and elicited data. Morphology Days in the Low Countries. April 22-23, Online.


  • Klomp, U. 2020. Why sign language isn’t universal. NerdNite, February 14, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).


  • Oomen, M., R. Pfau & U. Klomp. 2019. On the nature of neg-raising in Sign Language of the Netherlands. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 13, September 26-28, Hamburg (Germany).
  • Klomp, U. 2019. What has COME become? A corpus-based study into its grammatical functions in NGT. TISLR 13, September 26-28, Hamburg (Germany). [see poster]
  • Klomp, U., M. Oomen & R. Pfau. 2019. Headshake patterns in neg-raising sentences in Sign Language of the Netherlands. SignNonman2, May 3-4, Graz (Austria). 


  • Klomp, U. 2018. Conditionals in NGT: A corpus-based study. Invited speaker at the Sign Pop-Up series. November 27, Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
  • Klomp, U., M. Oomen & R. Pfau. 2018. Typological aspects of negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Negative particles, negative modals and neg-raising. Syntax of the World’s Languages 8, September 3-5, Paris (France).
  • Klomp, U. 2018. Starting to make sense: Further developing a nonsense sign repetition task.
    FEAST 7, June 18-20, Venice (Italy). [see poster]
  • Kimmelman, V., U. Klomp & M. Oomen. 2018. Where methods meet: Combining corpus data and elicitation in sign language research. 8th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Involving the language community. LREC 11, May 12, Miyazaki (Japan). [see poster]


  • Klomp, U. 2017. Gebarentaalonderzoek in Nederland. Presentatie ter ere van diploma-uitreikingen. 19 December, Stichting Welzijn Doven Amsterdam (Nederland).
  • Klomp, U. 2017. Conditionals in NGT: A corpus study. Corpus-based approaches to sign language linguistics: Into the second decade. CL2017 pre-conference workshop. July 24, Birmingham (UK).